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How do you do a phone reading? 

I use eyes to connect to your energy. I will need a recent picture of you for a psychic reading or a picture of the person that has passed for a medium reading. The best picture for me to connect with is one without filters, glasses, contacts and where the eyes are visible. 

Can I ask questions?

Sure, but please don’t ask anything until AFTER I am done reading for you. The less I know the better! Also, I can’t promise an answer. Spirit has this small time to connect with you and will focus on what you need to know, not necessarily what you want to know. 

Do you do medical readings? I do pick up medical issues. However I am not a licensed medical practitioner or professional. If I sense you have an issue, I will only advise you check with your doctor. 

What kind of information comes through in a Medium reading? 

First I generally sense the passing in my own body. If the passing was traumatic and you don’t want me to discuss it, please do advise that ahead of time. This is one way I affirm I have connected. I also sense how the person felt about you, impressions of their life in the physical world and now in the Spiritual world. I will also get what sign they are leaving you to let you know they are still with you. Basically they show me what was most important when they were here, what’s important for you to know now and how they are showing you they are still here! 

What can I expect in a psychic reading? 

Psychic readings cover past, present and future. I won’t tell you about your passing so please don’t ask and I don’t have the lottery numbers. What I will tell you, is if you’re on the right path, I will affirm what you know in your gut already and encourage you with Divine messages from Spirit on how to get back to your purpose here. 

Do you allow recordings? 

No I do not. Your message is meant for you in the Divine Timing you receive it. 

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